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Serving the poor and needy of Burkina Faso

Welcome to the Les Amis-Burkina Faso website

My name is Gillie Nicholls-Penny and I set up this charity in 2007 in response to the needs of people in Burkina Faso who, because of their difficulties in life, could not help themselves.

It was obvious in meeting them and learning about their difficulties that to help them would be really very easy: all that was needed was a bit of cash, well and wisely spent.

I hope that, in browsing this website, you will learn as much as you need about this charity.  If not, then please email me directly at our email address or through the details on the Contact Us page.

Finally, you have my personal guarantee that 100% of money given to us is used on the poor - nothing is spent on the necessary costs of running a charity.


Registered Charity Number: 1120772